
Nathalie De Biasi was born in Clermont-Ferrand (France) in 1989 and spent her early childhood years in South Carolina and North Carolina in the USA. She has taught K-12 and college-level English and currently lives in Lyon, France.

Her writing—poetry, prose narratives, and poetry translation—centers on a sense of beauty, loss, death, and personal and cultural heritage.

As a translator, she has worked for significant international cultural projects and events such as the European Comenius project CIRCE in 2006 and Clermont-Ferrand’s short-film festival. She started translating poetry during her graduate studies while she was reading and writing on American poets from the 20th and 21st century (Elizabeth Bishop, James Merrill, Charles Simic, Louise Glück, and Rae Armantrout).

Her poems in French have appeared in several magazines (see En revue); “Herculaneum” is featured in the eighth issue of the journal 111O with an English translation.

Her translations of Louise Glück and James Merrill were printed in the renowned French literary magazine Europe. She has also translated stories for the New Zealand volume of Reflet d’Ailleurs’s series of documented tales from around the world. Other translations appear in La Passe (Elizabeth Bishop) and in S/V magazine (Alexandrine Vo).

LinkedIn profile.

Shooting the backstage video for French rapper LOURS‘s La Griffe #04, directed by Marion Tremblett. Photographer: Léhana Dupond.